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Sunday, 2 June 2019
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I have a great love for all things Italian. I work in a translation agency dealing with Italian English language combination projects, I am getting fat on Italian food and I am even marrying a fantastic Italian girl, who is also a translator.

So I hope to bring to you in this article not only an Italian English translation of the text. But also, a feel of the Italian culture and way of life.

Italian Names for the Seasons – la primavera, lestate, lautunno, linverno

The English Translations are:


la primaveraSpring




In Italian the names of seasons (i stagioni) are not capitalized.

Now lets add some culture and lifestyle to this translation;

The scent of flowers arrives in your house. The days start to get longer. The fog in Bolgna will start to decrease and you will be less neccessary to have extra clothes when you walk (caminare) in the evening to get an icecream (gelato).

Already, the whole of Italy is getting ready for the summer. In the south they may already be getting on the beach some weekends.

Another funny side I have discovered is that some of the Italians I know (boys and girls) are already planning on getting rid of their girlfriends / boyfriends so that they wont be restricted from the pleasures of summer.

When I think of an English Spring I remember a saying my mother as always said March comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion Meaning it will start nice, but end with the roar of storms.

In the summer the Italians are all heading for the beach. Italy is long and narrow looking like a ladies boot. As such, you are genereally no more then 45 minutes from the beach.

Most Italian have a selection of beaches they use. The beach of the family, the beach where they meet their friends and the beach where they go to see and be seen!

Autumn is generally a little depressing in most countries. The days are becoming shorter and the days on the beach are less and less inviting.

However, Italians love to party and the harvests create a cause for many regional celebrations. So I actually love this Italian season. Its cooler so you get to catch up on what you have put off through the heat of summer.

Well……again Italy is long and narrow and shaped like a boot as it has been formed by the merging of tetonic plates. This has resulted in a country that has mountains down its middle.

So the Italians, like many English, are generally off to the ski slopes. But unlike the English most Italians are only an hour from the slopes so they are able to go skiing most weekends.

I do hope you have enjoyed my article on the Italian seasons and the translation provided.

Posted by zionrmuy219 at 7:07 AM EDT
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From Around the Web: 20 Awesome Photos of sidney pools

Perfume Gifts – Compare Your Perfumes To An Opera. Which One Would It Be?

Carmen. I want every woman to be mysterious and ardent. I have this urge to be alive. To be somebody. Im a gypsy by nature. I am Carmen. (from a conversation with Sophia Grosjman, one of outstanding perfumers in the world).

This answer was expected from Sophia Grosjman, one of the most brilliant and famous contemporary perfumers in the world. She has worked on blockbuster fragrances like Eternity, Tresor, Jaipure, Kashaya and Paris.

Born in Belarus over fifty years ago, she has always had a passion for flowers and scents. Very soon she immigrated to the USA and started to work at IFF as a laboratory technician. Each time she created a new perfume, she experimented it on her husband. She put the perfume on in the middle of the night, and her husband would say: “Can I smell?”

“But the public is what I count on”, she confesses.

Once, she worked on something very sexy, very spiritual; and got into a cab wearing it, the Indian driver said: “I cant drive”. He loved it. He was ready to give her a longer ride.

There is another interesting story that happened with Sophia Grosjman. When she has finished working on Yves Saint Laurents perfume Paris, she sprayed it on her skin at the office before she was on her way home. It was late at night. She felt someone was following her. She started running. He continued to follow her. She kept running, and he was running after her, and then he said: “Please dont run. I like this perfume!”

Perfumes are much more than a beauty product nowadays. Yet, it is so easy to buy a new perfume today for you or as a perfume gift. The best place to buy new perfumes is definitely online perfume stores. Enjoy.

Posted by zionrmuy219 at 6:51 AM EDT
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15 Terms Everyone in the sidney pools Industry Should Know

Judi togel online tidak lagi menjadi sesuatu yang mustahil belum pernah didengar oleh seluruh masyarakat indonesia saat ini. Terutama guna yang memang menyukai permainan judi yang dapat dimainkan di internet ini. Tidak heran bila sekian banyak situs judi online mulai begitu banyaknya berlahiran di internet dan menjadi viral. Jika kita ialah termasuk diantara orang yang sangat menyukai permainan judi online. Pasti Anda harus memilih situs agen togel yang tepat. Namun, guna dapat mendapatkan situs agen togel yang anda inginkan, tentunya bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah untuk anda lakukan. Pada artikel kali ini akan dijelaskan secara singkat bagaimana cara-cara dalam memilih serta menemukan suatu website agen togel. Seperti website agen judi togel terpercaya yang telah sangatlah telah menjadi berkualitas dan terjamin dan pastinya terpercaya.

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Anda juga perlu memperhatikan tampilan website taruhan tersebut, apakah terlalu mudah atau tidakmnya. Disaat anda memilih suatu website dengan tampilan yang unik tetapi tetap mengawal kualitas. Misalnya dari segi permainan yang beragam. Dengan adanya permainan yang pelbagai variatif permainan, tentu membuat situs tersebut menjadi begitu banyaknya pengunjung disana. Hal tersebut tentu bukan hal yang mustahil untuk dilakukan sebab di situs judi online terpercaya kita dapat mengupayakan untuk menggarap permainan meski permainan tersebut tidak anda kuasai kiat bermainnya. Karena meski demikian kita dapat menggali tahu tentang tutorial permainan tersebut dan mencoba untuk menggarap permainan judi tersebut dari situs judi yang sudah Anda pilih. Itulah sebanyak hal-hal yang dapat Anda lakukan bila Anda berkeinginlive sdan mendapatkan website judi online dengan kualitas terbaik. Tetaplah tidak jarang kali teliti dan cermat dalam memilih situs agen togel laksana agen judi togel terpercaya, supaya kita tidak terjebak dalam bandar yang palsu dalam pertaruhan.

Posted by zionrmuy219 at 4:50 AM EDT
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